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7 febrer 2025 |
Analysis of microbiota patterns linked to pancreatic cancer and their role in host inflammation, oxidative stress, and immune status |
Vilà -Quintana, Laura
9 març 2020 |
Avaluació de la utilitat del monitoratge farmacocinètic dels fà rmacs anti-TNF en pacients amb malaltia inflamatòria intestinal en dos hospitals amb diferent grau d’especialització |
Vila Currius, Mireia
gener 2016 |
Changes in the Abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii Phylogroups I and II in the Intestinal Mucosa of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Patients with Colorectal Cancer |
López Siles, Mireia
; MartÃnez Medina, Margarita
; SurÃs Valls, RomÃ
; Aldeguer i Manté, Xavier
; SÃ bat Mir, MÃriam
; Duncan, Sylvia H.
; Flint, Harry J.
; Garcia-Gil, L. J.
1 juliol 2024 |
Microbial characterization of different bread-making processes and assessment of their impact on human intestinal dysbiosis and inflammatory bowel disease |
Lluansà Salis, Aleix
novembre 2017 |
Microbial index in spondyloarthritis with and without inflammatory bowel disease |
Mijancos Aguirre, Carolina
17 juliol 2024 |
Microbiota as indicator of intestinal health and modulation strategies |
Oliver Galindo, Lia
2014 |
Mucosa-associated Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Escherichia coli co-abundance can distinguish Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease phenotypes |
López Siles, Mireia
; MartÃnez Medina, Margarita
; Busquets Casals, David
; SÃ bat Mir, MÃriam
; Duncan, Sylvia H.
; Flint, Harry J.
; Aldeguer i Manté, Xavier
; Garcia-Gil, L. J.
2015 |
Mucosa-associated Faecalibacterium prausnitzii phylotype richness is reduced in patients with inflammatory bowel disease |
López Siles, Mireia
; MartÃnez Medina, Margarita
; Abellà Ametller, Carles
; Busquets Casals, David
; SÃ bat Mir, MÃriam
; Duncan, Sylvia H.
; Aldeguer i Manté, Xavier
; Flint, Harry J.
; Garcia-Gil, L. J.